How to Make Going Back to School Easy and Fun

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If you have children getting ready to head back to school, then you know it can be a very busy and somewhat stressful time of the year. Make it easier and more fun by trying 

1. Get Appointments Done Early

Many schools need proof of good physical health in order for your child to play sports and some need updated vaccination reports. It’s a good idea to get these appointments done before the first day of school, including a trip to a kids dentist Jacksonville; that way, your student won’t miss any classes so early in the school year.

2. Go School Supply Shopping

Make school supply shopping a fun shopping day, not a chore. You can make sure he or she gets everything on their required list, and your child can pick out some fun items to make the school days more exciting. Take them to a favorite restaurant for lunch afterward, and it will become a day they look forward to every year.

3. Enjoy the Last Late Nights Together

School nights are busy with homework, sports practices, and other extracurricular activities, not to mention the effort it takes to get kids ready for bed. Before those nights begin, make the effort to cook some favorite family meals, play outside after sunset, and watch movies together. The flexibility of summer is one thing families often miss the most.

4. Transition to an Earlier Bedtime

The week before school officially begins, you should get your children on their school night schedule. Limit television and video game time, go to bed earlier and move up their waking time if necessary. 

5. Talk to Your Kids

Going back to school sometimes can cause anxiety and nerves to appear. Take the time to talk about these emotions with your children. Having conversations can give children the bravery they need to confront these scary and confusing feelings too.

Back-to-school is an exciting time, especially if you make it fun.

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