8 Benefits of Bananas for Body Health
Behind the sweet taste, bananas contain nutrients that are good for the health of the body. You can easily get the various benefits of bananas by consuming them regularly.
Bananas have become one of the most commonly consumed fruits by the people of Indonesia. This fruit does thrive in tropical countries, such as Indonesia.
So much goodness contained in a banana. The nutritional content in it includes carbohydrates, protein, manganese, vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and magnesium.

Benefits of Bananas for Body Health
With a variety of nutritional content, there are many health benefits of bananas that you should not miss. Following are some of the benefits:
As a source of energy
Bananas are known as a good source of carbohydrates. In a banana there are about 27 grams of carbohydrates. In the body, carbohydrates will be broken down into glucose which is the main source of fuel for the body.
Carbohydrates can also be converted into glycogen, which is a form of glucose stored in the muscles and liver and used as energy during activities.
Maintain a healthy heart and blood vessels
The potassium content in bananas can help the function of blood vessels in transporting oxygen to the brain, maintain a stable heartbeat, and lower blood pressure. Bananas are also known to reduce the risk of stroke.
Prevents cell and tissue damage
The antioxidant compounds contained in bananas can prevent cell and tissue damage from free radicals, thereby reducing the risk of various diseases such as cancer.
Reduce the risk of kidney disease
Not only good for heart health, the potassium content in bananas also serves to prevent kidney stone disease. A study also shows that people who always meet their potassium intake, have a lower risk of developing kidney stones.
Reduce nausea during pregnancy
Bananas contain vitamin B6 which can reduce nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, while the potassium content can restore electrolytes lost due to vomiting. This is what makes bananas very good consumed by pregnant women.
Maintain digestive tract health
Bananas are a source of prebiotics, so they are good for maintaining intestinal and digestive health. A study also shows that probiotics can treat diarrhea caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites, as well as the body’s reaction to taking antibiotics.
In addition to healthy digestive tract, bananas contain fiber that can prevent constipation and colon cancer. Bananas are also one of the fruit choices that are safe for stomach acid because they are low in acid.
Lose weight
Bananas are known as high-fiber fruits. The fiber content in it can give you the effect of full longer and suppress your appetite, so you don’t overeat.
This is the reason why bananas are good for those of you who are on a diet program to lose weight.
Relieve stomach ulcers
Bananas can trigger an increase in mucus in the stomach, so that it can relieve or prevent stomach ulcers. Bananas also act as natural antacids that work by neutralizing stomach acid, so that it can overcome pain due to ulcers.