Tips to Help Boost Your Liver’s Toxin Cleansing Strength
The human liver is an amazing organ. It is responsible for more than 500 tasks like filtering blood, removing chemicals and toxins from the body, and metabolizing fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. The liver also plays a role in the immune system, blood production and clotting processes, and the storage of vitamins and minerals in your body. With all of that work to do, why not give your liver a boost with one of these strategies.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Eating a diet high in fiber and low in fat and empty calories can help your liver by reducing the amount of work it has to do. Fiber helps your digestive system work more efficiently and consistently so that your liver is not overwhelmed all at once with high levels of sugars and carbohydrates. Fat takes a lot of work to break down and store and can tax the resources of … Read more