Synthetic Urine: Is it Really working on Drug Tests?

People who want to cheat their way into a good drug test can now buy synthetic urine. They are almost real, you can’t sometimes distinguish the real from the fake ones. Synthetic urine mimics the visual, chemical and thermal properties of a real pee. More people around the country are buying these fake pees hoping to beat drug tests required by most companies today.

Is it legal to use fake urine in drug tests?

In most states, selling synthetic urine is legal. Most fake pee are sold in sex stores or novelty stores. According to a news article from, there are only 2 states in the U.S that prohibits the selling of synthetic urine, New Hampshire, and Indiana. This is due to the increase in cases of fake drug test results. Both states banned the substance last 2017. Because of this, the Federal government is planning to utilize oral fluid and hair sample to be used in all drug testing in the U.S.

Does it work?

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t. If you still insist on it, find synthetic urine that works. Even the most expensive and closest copy of a fake pee, it is still fake. There is still a difference between real and synthetic no matter how little it is. Using fake urine for drug testing can also be very risky. If you are not careful, you could get fired, or worse, go to jail. The most common difference between the real and fake ones, the temperature. Testing clinics require the collected specimen to be at a specific temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. If the urine sample falls outside of the 90-100 degree Fahrenheit, that sample is most probably fake. Other properties that a real urine includes:

Presence of Creatinine

Presence of bubbles in the urine

pH level and specific gravity consistency

Strong scent

If one of these characteristics is missing in a urine, the specimen will be flagged, placing the owner of the urine in jeopardy.

If you’re an employer and you are concerned about the validity of your employee’s drug tests, you can always use other testing samples like blood, oral fluid or hair sample. Although the oral fluid sample has a small window to detect drug components, it has the quickest and very difficult to adulterate since the collection process is observed and it is non-invasive. Hair sample, on the other hand, has a very large window of detection, but it can’t detect drug use within a specific number of days. The process is invasive in nature since it requires 120-150 hairs per sample. There will always employees who will try to beat the test. But if the company knows how drug screening works, they can prevent these people before they can do anything about it. It’s not that difficult to catch a fake test. Just make sure the procedure follows the correct protocol

Want to know more about the components of urine? Visit:

How to prevent faking of drug tests?

The best way to prevent faking is to go unannounced, do a random drug testing. Don’t give people a chance to prepare for the screening. Also, don’t let donors provide their own container. Always provide the container for the sample. Secure the testing site. Inspect the restrooms, they will use to collect the samples. But most importantly, stick with an on-site testing facility. Donors can’t engage in any deceptive and disobedient behavior if you control the area. If you are the donor, the best way to pass the drug test is to not use the substance. Synthetic urine can’t give you 100{47d6564d488bb6fb79d8b7e01d225c5c8266888d7e6575c276e66411357b65de} negative result. Live a drug-free lifestyle.

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